
Easily view your transaction history for a registered address from the Gluwa Dashboard

This guide assumes that you've registered your wallet address already. If you haven't, follow the Addresses guide below first.


Access your Transaction History

To access your transaction history, simply click the Transactions option in the left menu:

Switch Addresses or Currencies

Filter Transactions

The Gluwa Dashboard gives you the ability to filter transactions using a variety of options, including:

  • Merchant Order ID

  • Date/time

  • Payments only

  • Amount (Min and/or Max)

To access the filters, press the Filter button on the far-right of the Transaction History view:

Export Transactions to a CSV File

The Gluwa Dashboard provides the ability to export your transactions to a comma-separated values ("CSV") file. To do this, select the address/currency you wish to export, then click the Export button on the far-right of the Transaction History view:

Last updated